EasyTalk API
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CRotatorA component which can be used to automatically rotate an object around an axis over time
 CUIAnimatorThe UIAnimator can be used to animate UI components with fading or sliding animations
 CAnimatableDisplayImageDefines attributes of an image, which can also be animated if it includes more than one sprite
 CCharacterDefinitionDefines attributes for a character, such as their name, icons, and portrayal images/spritesheets
 CCharacterLibraryThe Character Library allows for characters to be defined, including information such as names, icons, and portrayal images/spritesets
 CAreaDialogueControllerExtends the standard DialogueController by adding functionality to either play dialogue automatically when a collider (such as a player) enters the trigger collider on the AreaDialogueController's GameObject, or sends a notification via the onPrompt UnityEvent to allow something else to determine whether the dialogue should play
 CAreaDialogueController2DExtends the standard DialogueController by adding functionality to either play dialogue automatically when a collider (such as a player) enters the trigger collider on the AreaDialogueController's GameObject, or sends a notification via the onPrompt UnityEvent to allow something else to determine whether the dialogue should play
 CDialogueControllerController for managing dialogue flow between a dialogue display and a dialogue node handler
 CDialogueListenerThe DialogueListener class defines various methods which are called as certain events occur during dialogue playback. It can be extended in order to easily create new functionality which responds to dialogue events
 CEasyTalkGameStateThe EasyTalkGameState is used to keep track of global settings used by the EasyTalk system during runtime
 CNodeHandlerThis class is used to process a collection of linked nodes, such as a dialogue and handles all of the logic for moving from one node to the next, evaluating variable values, and sending messages (via callbacks) about what is happening in a dialogue as it is processed
 CNodeVariableValueThis class stores a node variable's name and value
 CNodeVariableValueCollectionThis class is used to store a collection of node variable values
 CAbstractDialogueDisplayThis class is an abstract framework laying the foundation for a Dialogue Display
 CAnimatableSpritePanelImplements logic for handling basic animation of a sprite sequence and displaying a sprite on an Image component
 CCharacterDisplayThis class implements logic which helps to manage animatable character portrayals/portrait displays during dialogue playback
 CCharacterImageConfiguration class for mapping a character name to a sprite
 CCharacterImageDisplayA UI component used to display a character image
 CCharacterSpritePanelAn animatable sprite panel which supports setting the animated image based on a character configured in the Character Library
 CContinueDisplayThis class is an implementation of a continue display, used to indicate to the player when they can continue during playback of dialogue
 CConversationDisplayThis is an implementation of a conversation display which is used to display lines of dialogue to a player in addition to the name of the character who is speaking if desired
 CConversationDisplayListenerDefines methods for conversation display listeners, which listen for changes to conversation displays
 CDialogueButtonThis is an implementation of a button component used by the dialogue display system
 CDialogueDisplayThis is an implementation of a Dialogue Display which supports a conversation display (for displaying dialogue and character information), an option display (for displaying options to the player), and a continue display (for showing the player when they continue or skip ahead in the conversation)
 CDialogueInputHandlerThis class implements the logic which handles player input controls for Dialogue Displays
 CDialogueOptionThis class is a representation of a dialogue option presented to a player
 CDialoguePanelThe DialoguePanel is an abstract component which provides a set of core features for components/panels which make up a dialogue display. Specifically, this class provides functionality for showing and hiding a dialogue panel and handling the animation associated with those actions
 CDirectionalOptionDisplayAn implementation of a dialogue option display which allows each option to be attributes to a specific Vector2 direction
 CDirectionalOptionElementA Directional Option Element establishes a link between a button and another image. When the button is highlighted, the corresponding image will be highlighted, etc.. In addition, the element allows for a custom direction to be defined for the element to be selected
 CDisplayUtilsThis is a utilty class for handling specific display functions, such as show/hide node functionality
 CIconConversationDisplayListenerA conversation display listener used to hide the icon panel whenever the conversation display is reset
 CIconDisplayA display for showing character icons during dialogue playback
 CLocalizableComponentThis interface defines methods for components which contain localizable Text components
 COptionDisplayExtends upon the DialoguePanel class to create an abstract base implementation of a display for displaying dialogue options to a player
 COptionDisplayListenerDefines methods for option display listeners, which listen for changes to option displays
 COptionListDisplayThe OptionListDisplay is an implementation of an Option Display which displays an aligned collection of dialogue option buttons to the player
 CScrollableOptionDisplayThe ScrollableOptionDisplay is an implementation of an OptionListDisplay which is scrollable, so that it can display a virtually unlimited number of options
 CTextInputDisplayA display for obtaining text input from the plpayer during dialogue playback
 CWorldspaceConversationDisplayA conversation display which can be used on characters in 2D or 3D world space. The display can be set to automatically rotate to face a camera or other object
 CAutoTranslateAutoTranslate is a component which can be placed on a GameObject with a text component. When used with an appropriate TranslationLibrary, it enables the text to be translated automatically whenever the language is changes on the EasyTalkGameState
 CLanguageFontOverrideA class used to map a language to a particular font
 CLanguageFontOverridesThis class is used to store information about the fonts to use for various languages
 CLocalizableLanguageThe LocalizableLanguage class is used to represent and store information pertaining to a specific localizable language
 CLocalizableLanguageSetA set of localizable languages
 CTranslationA Translation contains a string which is a translation of text into a specific language, as well as other secondary information about that translation
 CTranslationLibraryProvides a collection of translations of text for various languages
 CTranslationSetA TranslationSet contains lines of text which have been translated into a particular language
 CDialogueDefines the structure for an EasyTalk Dialogue asset
 CDialogueRegistryThe DialogueRegistry class is used for store and configure information which may be used across dialogue assets and in the editor, such as global variables and character libraries
 CEasyTalkDialogueSettingsEasyTalk settings used during runtime
 CComponentFontManagerThis class is used to manage font updates on Text and TextMeshPro components, such as the font size to use and the font to use for a particular language
 CSetupUtilsProvides utility functions for correctly setting up prefabs and GameObjects in the scene