EasyTalk API
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EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay Class Referenceabstract

This class is an abstract framework laying the foundation for a Dialogue Display. More...

Inherits EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Inherited by EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.


class  TextFontSettings
 Internal class used to keep track of font and font size settings for standard text components used by a dialogue display. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void Continue ()
 If continuation is currently permitted, this will call the dialogue controller's Continue() method to continue to the next part of the current converstaion and disable continuation.
bool SelectNextOption ()
 Selects the next option in the option display (only applicable when options are being presented).
bool SelectPreviousOption ()
 Selects the previous option in the option display (only applicable when options are being presented).
void ChooseSelectedOption ()
 Chooses the selected option. This method should notify the Dialogue Controller of the option that was chosen using DialogueOption.OptionIndex.
bool SelectOptionInDirection (Vector2 direction)
 Selects the option which most closely corresponds to the specified direction.
virtual void ExitDialogue ()
 This method tells the active dialogue controller to exit the dialogue immediately.
void SetActiveDialogueController (DialogueController dialogueController)
 Set the active dialogue controller for the dialogue display to communicate with.
override void OnDisplayOptions (List< DialogueOption > options)
 This method is called when options are displayed and sets the IsCurrentlyInConversation flag to false.
override void OnDisplayLine (ConversationLine line)
 This method is called when a line of dialogue is being displayed and sets the IsCurrentlyInConversation flag to true.
override void OnDialogueExited (string exitName)
 This method is called when the dialogue exits playback and sets the IsCurrentlyInConversation flag to false;.
override void OnExitCompleted ()
 Called at least one frame after a dialogue is exited.
ConversationDisplay GetConversationDisplay ()
 Returns the conversation display being used by this dialogue display.
void SetConversationDisplay (ConversationDisplay convoDisplay)
 Sets the conversation display used by the dialogue display.
OptionDisplay GetOptionDisplay ()
 Returns the option display being used by this dialogue display.
void SetOptionDisplay (OptionDisplay optionDisplay)
 Sets the option display being used by this dialogue display.
ContinueDisplay GetContinueDisplay ()
 Returns the continue display being used by this dialogue display.
void SetContinueDisplay (ContinueDisplay continueDisplaY)
 Sets the continue display used by this dialogue display.
TextInputDisplay GetTextInputDisplay ()
 Gets the TextInputDisplay used to retrieve text input from the player.
void SetTextInputDisplay (TextInputDisplay textInputDisplay)
 Sets the TextInputDisplay used to retrieve text input from the player.
virtual void AllowContinue ()
 Allows the current conversation to be continued.
virtual void DisableContinue ()
 Disallows continuation of the current conversation.
void AllowOptionSelection ()
 Allows option selection.
void DisableOptionSelection ()
 Disallows option selection.
override void OnContinue ()
 This method is called when a continue occurs.
void SetLanguage (string languageCode)
 Sets the language used by the dialogue display.
void AddDialogueListener (DialogueListener dialogueListener)
 Adds the specified Dialogue Listener to the list of listeners.
void RemoveDialogueListener (DialogueListener dialogueListener)
 Removes the specified Dialogue Listener from the list of listeners.
void RemoveDialogueListeners ()
 Removes all Dialogue Listeners of the display.
override void OnOptionChosen (DialogueOption option)
 Called whenever an option is chosen from the currently presented list of options.
optionThe dialogue option which was chosen.

override void OnDialogueEntered (string entryPointName)
 Called whenever a dialogue is entered (when playback begins).
entryPointNameThe name of the entry point ID where dialogue playback is starting.

override void OnStory (string storyText)
 Called whenever a story node is encountered.
storyTextThe text of the story node.

override void OnVariableUpdated (string variableName, object value)
 Called whenever a dialogue variable value is updated.
variableNameThe name of the variable.
valueThe new value of the variable.

override void OnCharacterChanged (string oldCharacterName, string newCharacterName)
 Called whenever a character change is detected.
oldCharacterNameThe old character name.
newCharacterNameThe new character name.

override void OnAudioStarted (ConversationLine line)
 Called whenever audio starts playing for a line of dialogue.
lineThe line of dialogue which audio is being played for.

override void OnAudioCompleted (ConversationLine line, bool forceStopped)
 Called whenever audio stops playing for a line of dialogue.
lineThe line of dialogue which audio was being played for.
forceStoppedWhether the audio was forced to stop (if false, the audio finished playing).

override void OnActivateKey (string key)
 Called whenever a key tag is present in a line of dialogue.
keyThe value of the key tag.

override void Wait (float timeInSeconds)
 Called whenever the dialogue encounters a wait node.
timeInSecondsThe amount of time which the dialogue will wait before proceeding (in seconds).

override void OnConversationEnding (ConversationLine line, Node nextNode)
 Called whenever the last line of dialogue in a conversation node is reached.
lineThe last line of dialogue in the current conversation node.
nextNodeThe next node after the current conversation node.

override void OnNodeChanged (Node node)
 Called whenever dialogue playback moves to the next node.
nodeThe new node..

override void OnPause (string signal)
 Called whenever a pause node is reached during dialogue playback.
signalThe signal string of the pause node.

override void OnExecuteAsyncNode (AsyncNode node)
 Called whenever an async node is encountered and needs some external class to handle its execution.
nodeThe asynchronous node to process.

override void OnWaitingForNodeEvaluation (Node asyncNode)
 Called just before an asynchronous node is executed to notify listeners that the dialogue is about to enter a waiting state.
asyncNodeThe asynchronous node to be executed.

override void OnNodeEvaluationCompleted (Node asyncNode)
 Called whenever an asynchronous node's evaluation/execution has been commpleted.
asyncNodeThe asynchronous node which was executed.


Public Attributes

UnityEvent onContinueEnabled
 A Unity Event which is triggered whenever continuation of the current dialogue is allowed.
UnityEvent onContinueDisabled
 A Unity Event which is triggered whenever continuation of the current dialogue is disabled.
UnityEvent onOptionSelectionEnabled
 A Unity Event which is triggered whenever option selection is enabled (after options are presented).
UnityEvent onOptionSelectionDisabled
 A Unity Event which is triggered whenever option selection is disabled (after an option is chosen).
- Public Attributes inherited from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener
bool debugEnabled = false
 When set to true, debug logging will be shown for each method called on the listener.
UnityEvent onContinue = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the dialogue continues.
UnityEvent onDisplayOptions = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever options are to be displayed to the player.
UnityEvent onOptionChosen = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the player chooses an option.
UnityEvent onDisplayLine = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a line of dialogue is to be displayed.
UnityEvent onDialogueEntered = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue playback begins.
UnityEvent onDialogueExited = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue playback ends.
UnityEvent onExitCompleted = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered one frame after dialogue playback ends.
UnityEvent onStory = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a story node is encountered.
UnityEvent onVariableUpdated = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a dialogue variable value is updated.
UnityEvent onCharacterChanged = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a character name change is detected.
UnityEvent onAudioStarted = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue audio starts playing.
UnityEvent onAudioCompleted = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue audio finishes playing.
UnityEvent onActivateKey = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a key is to be processed on a dialogue.
UnityEvent onWait = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a dialogue starts waiting for a certain period of time before continuing.
UnityEvent onConversationEnding = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the last line of dialogue in a conversation node is reached.
UnityEvent onNodeChanged = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a the dialogue flows from one node to another.
UnityEvent onPause = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the dialogue reaches a pause node, pausing and waiting for Continue() to be called.
UnityEvent onExecuteAsyncNode = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever an asynchronous node must be processed.
UnityEvent onWaitingForNodeCompletion = new UnityEvent()
UnityEvent onNodeEvaluationCompleted = new UnityEvent()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Init ()
 If using the new input system, Init() sets up the input actions. This method also registers a method with the onLanguageChanged delegate so that the dialogue display can update fonts of all child components whenever the language is changed.
void LanguageChanged (string oldLanguage, string newLanguage)
 This method is called whenever the language is changed by setting the language on the EasyTalkGameState.
void TranslateComponents ()
 Translates the text set on the conversation display and option display based on the currently set language of EasyTalkGameState.Instance.
void UpdateFontsForLanguage (Component component)
 Updates all of the fonts on child text components based on the language currently being used.

Protected Attributes

EasyTalkDialogueSettings dialogueSettings
 The EasyTalk dialogue settings to use.
DialogueController dialogueController
 The currently active dialogue controller.
bool destroyOnLoad = false
 When true, the dialogue display will be destroyed when a new scene is loaded.
List< DialogueListenerdialogueListeners = new List<DialogueListener>()
 A collection of Dialogue Listeners to call as dialogue playback occurs.

Static Protected Attributes

static AbstractDialogueDisplay instance
 An instance of a Dialogue Display.


bool IsPlaying = false [get, private set]
 A flag indicating whether the display is currently playing a dialogue.
bool IsCurrentlyInConversation = false [get, protected set]
 A flag indicating whether the dialogue is currently displaying a conversation (rather than options).
static AbstractDialogueDisplay Instance [get]
 Gets the dialogue display instance.
DialogueController CurrentController [get]
 Returns the current DialogueController being used by this dialogue display, if there is one.
bool IsOptionSelectionAllowed [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether the dialogue is currently allowing options to be selected by the player.
bool IsQuickExitAllowed [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether the player is allowed to immediately exit the dialogue by pressing a button.
bool IsContinueAllowed [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether continuation is allowed by the player by pressing a button.
EasyTalkDialogueSettings DialogueSettings [get, set]
 Gets or sets the EasyTalk Dialogue Settings used by the display.

Private Member Functions

void Awake ()
void OnValidate ()
 Enables and disables Unity standard Text components and TextMeshPro components based on whether TextMeshPro is enabled/installed.
void OnDestroy ()
 Unregister the LanguageChanged method frm the onLanguageChanged delegate so that the EasyTalkGameState instance will no longer try to call this object.

Private Attributes

bool allowQuickExit
 When set to true, the dialogue display allows an immediate exit from the currently running dialogue.
bool isContinueAllowed = false
 A flag indicating whether continuation is currently permitted in the conversation.
bool isOptionSelectionAllowed = false
 A flag indicating whether option selection is currently permitted.

Detailed Description

This class is an abstract framework laying the foundation for a Dialogue Display.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddDialogueListener()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.AddDialogueListener ( DialogueListener dialogueListener)

Adds the specified Dialogue Listener to the list of listeners.

dialogueListenerThe Dialogue Listener to add.

◆ AllowContinue()

virtual void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.AllowContinue ( )

Allows the current conversation to be continued.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ AllowOptionSelection()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.AllowOptionSelection ( )

Allows option selection.

◆ Awake()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.Awake ( )

◆ ChooseSelectedOption()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.ChooseSelectedOption ( )

Chooses the selected option. This method should notify the Dialogue Controller of the option that was chosen using DialogueOption.OptionIndex.

◆ Continue()

virtual void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.Continue ( )

If continuation is currently permitted, this will call the dialogue controller's Continue() method to continue to the next part of the current converstaion and disable continuation.

◆ DisableContinue()

virtual void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.DisableContinue ( )

Disallows continuation of the current conversation.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ DisableOptionSelection()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.DisableOptionSelection ( )

Disallows option selection.

◆ ExitDialogue()

virtual void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.ExitDialogue ( )

This method tells the active dialogue controller to exit the dialogue immediately.

◆ GetContinueDisplay()

ContinueDisplay EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.GetContinueDisplay ( )

Returns the continue display being used by this dialogue display.

The continue display being used.

◆ GetConversationDisplay()

ConversationDisplay EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.GetConversationDisplay ( )

Returns the conversation display being used by this dialogue display.

The conversation display being used.

◆ GetOptionDisplay()

OptionDisplay EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.GetOptionDisplay ( )

Returns the option display being used by this dialogue display.

The option display being used.

◆ GetTextInputDisplay()

TextInputDisplay EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.GetTextInputDisplay ( )

Gets the TextInputDisplay used to retrieve text input from the player.


◆ Init()

virtual void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.Init ( )

If using the new input system, Init() sets up the input actions. This method also registers a method with the onLanguageChanged delegate so that the dialogue display can update fonts of all child components whenever the language is changed.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ LanguageChanged()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.LanguageChanged ( string oldLanguage,
string newLanguage )

This method is called whenever the language is changed by setting the language on the EasyTalkGameState.

oldLanguageThe previous ISO-639 language code being used.
newLanguageThe new ISO-639 language code to use.

◆ OnActivateKey()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnActivateKey ( string key)

Called whenever a key tag is present in a line of dialogue.

keyThe value of the key tag.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnAudioCompleted()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnAudioCompleted ( ConversationLine line,
bool forceStopped )

Called whenever audio stops playing for a line of dialogue.

lineThe line of dialogue which audio was being played for.
forceStoppedWhether the audio was forced to stop (if false, the audio finished playing).

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnAudioStarted()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnAudioStarted ( ConversationLine line)

Called whenever audio starts playing for a line of dialogue.

lineThe line of dialogue which audio is being played for.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnCharacterChanged()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnCharacterChanged ( string oldCharacterName,
string newCharacterName )

Called whenever a character change is detected.

oldCharacterNameThe old character name.
newCharacterNameThe new character name.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnContinue()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnContinue ( )

This method is called when a continue occurs.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnConversationEnding()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnConversationEnding ( ConversationLine line,
Node nextNode )

Called whenever the last line of dialogue in a conversation node is reached.

lineThe last line of dialogue in the current conversation node.
nextNodeThe next node after the current conversation node.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnDestroy()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnDestroy ( )

Unregister the LanguageChanged method frm the onLanguageChanged delegate so that the EasyTalkGameState instance will no longer try to call this object.

◆ OnDialogueEntered()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnDialogueEntered ( string entryPointName)

Called whenever a dialogue is entered (when playback begins).

entryPointNameThe name of the entry point ID where dialogue playback is starting.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnDialogueExited()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnDialogueExited ( string exitName)

This method is called when the dialogue exits playback and sets the IsCurrentlyInConversation flag to false;.

exitNameThe name of the exit point where the dialogue exited.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnDisplayLine()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnDisplayLine ( ConversationLine line)

This method is called when a line of dialogue is being displayed and sets the IsCurrentlyInConversation flag to true.

lineThe line of dialogue being displayed.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnDisplayOptions()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnDisplayOptions ( List< DialogueOption > options)

This method is called when options are displayed and sets the IsCurrentlyInConversation flag to false.

optionsThe List of dialogue options being displayed.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnExecuteAsyncNode()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnExecuteAsyncNode ( AsyncNode node)

Called whenever an async node is encountered and needs some external class to handle its execution.

nodeThe asynchronous node to process.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnExitCompleted()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnExitCompleted ( )

Called at least one frame after a dialogue is exited.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnNodeChanged()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnNodeChanged ( Node node)

Called whenever dialogue playback moves to the next node.

nodeThe new node..

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnNodeEvaluationCompleted()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnNodeEvaluationCompleted ( Node asyncNode)

Called whenever an asynchronous node's evaluation/execution has been commpleted.

asyncNodeThe asynchronous node which was executed.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnOptionChosen()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnOptionChosen ( DialogueOption option)

Called whenever an option is chosen from the currently presented list of options.

optionThe dialogue option which was chosen.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnPause()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnPause ( string signal)

Called whenever a pause node is reached during dialogue playback.

signalThe signal string of the pause node.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnStory()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnStory ( string storyText)

Called whenever a story node is encountered.

storyTextThe text of the story node.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Reimplemented in EasyTalk.Display.DialogueDisplay.

◆ OnValidate()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnValidate ( )

Enables and disables Unity standard Text components and TextMeshPro components based on whether TextMeshPro is enabled/installed.

◆ OnVariableUpdated()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnVariableUpdated ( string variableName,
object value )

Called whenever a dialogue variable value is updated.

variableNameThe name of the variable.
valueThe new value of the variable.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnWaitingForNodeEvaluation()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.OnWaitingForNodeEvaluation ( Node asyncNode)

Called just before an asynchronous node is executed to notify listeners that the dialogue is about to enter a waiting state.

asyncNodeThe asynchronous node to be executed.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ RemoveDialogueListener()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.RemoveDialogueListener ( DialogueListener dialogueListener)

Removes the specified Dialogue Listener from the list of listeners.

dialogueListenerThe Dialogue Listener to remove.

◆ RemoveDialogueListeners()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.RemoveDialogueListeners ( )

Removes all Dialogue Listeners of the display.

◆ SelectNextOption()

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SelectNextOption ( )

Selects the next option in the option display (only applicable when options are being presented).

Returns true if an option was selected; false otherwise.

◆ SelectOptionInDirection()

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SelectOptionInDirection ( Vector2 direction)

Selects the option which most closely corresponds to the specified direction.

directionThe direction to select an option in.
Returns true if an option was selected; false otherwise.

◆ SelectPreviousOption()

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SelectPreviousOption ( )

Selects the previous option in the option display (only applicable when options are being presented).

Returns true if an option was selected; false otherwise.

◆ SetActiveDialogueController()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SetActiveDialogueController ( DialogueController dialogueController)

Set the active dialogue controller for the dialogue display to communicate with.

dialogueControllerThe dialogue controller to use.

◆ SetContinueDisplay()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SetContinueDisplay ( ContinueDisplay continueDisplaY)

Sets the continue display used by this dialogue display.

continueDisplaYThe continue display to use.

◆ SetConversationDisplay()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SetConversationDisplay ( ConversationDisplay convoDisplay)

Sets the conversation display used by the dialogue display.

convoDisplayThe conversation display to use.

◆ SetLanguage()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SetLanguage ( string languageCode)

Sets the language used by the dialogue display.

languageCodeThe ISO-639 language code to use.

◆ SetOptionDisplay()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SetOptionDisplay ( OptionDisplay optionDisplay)

Sets the option display being used by this dialogue display.

optionDisplayThe option display to use.

◆ SetTextInputDisplay()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.SetTextInputDisplay ( TextInputDisplay textInputDisplay)

Sets the TextInputDisplay used to retrieve text input from the player.

textInputDisplayThe TextInputDisplay to use.

◆ TranslateComponents()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.TranslateComponents ( )

Translates the text set on the conversation display and option display based on the currently set language of EasyTalkGameState.Instance.

◆ UpdateFontsForLanguage()

void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.UpdateFontsForLanguage ( Component component)

Updates all of the fonts on child text components based on the language currently being used.

componentThe component to update.

◆ Wait()

override void EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.Wait ( float timeInSeconds)

Called whenever the dialogue encounters a wait node.

timeInSecondsThe amount of time which the dialogue will wait before proceeding (in seconds).

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Member Data Documentation

◆ allowQuickExit

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.allowQuickExit

When set to true, the dialogue display allows an immediate exit from the currently running dialogue.

◆ destroyOnLoad

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.destroyOnLoad = false

When true, the dialogue display will be destroyed when a new scene is loaded.

◆ dialogueController

DialogueController EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.dialogueController

The currently active dialogue controller.

◆ dialogueListeners

List<DialogueListener> EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.dialogueListeners = new List<DialogueListener>()

A collection of Dialogue Listeners to call as dialogue playback occurs.

◆ dialogueSettings

EasyTalkDialogueSettings EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.dialogueSettings

The EasyTalk dialogue settings to use.

◆ instance

AbstractDialogueDisplay EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.instance

An instance of a Dialogue Display.

◆ isContinueAllowed

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.isContinueAllowed = false

A flag indicating whether continuation is currently permitted in the conversation.

◆ isOptionSelectionAllowed

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.isOptionSelectionAllowed = false

A flag indicating whether option selection is currently permitted.

◆ onContinueDisabled

UnityEvent EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.onContinueDisabled

A Unity Event which is triggered whenever continuation of the current dialogue is disabled.

◆ onContinueEnabled

UnityEvent EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.onContinueEnabled

A Unity Event which is triggered whenever continuation of the current dialogue is allowed.

◆ onOptionSelectionDisabled

UnityEvent EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.onOptionSelectionDisabled

A Unity Event which is triggered whenever option selection is disabled (after an option is chosen).

◆ onOptionSelectionEnabled

UnityEvent EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.onOptionSelectionEnabled

A Unity Event which is triggered whenever option selection is enabled (after options are presented).

Property Documentation

◆ CurrentController

DialogueController EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.CurrentController

Returns the current DialogueController being used by this dialogue display, if there is one.

◆ DialogueSettings

EasyTalkDialogueSettings EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.DialogueSettings

Gets or sets the EasyTalk Dialogue Settings used by the display.

◆ Instance

AbstractDialogueDisplay EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.Instance

Gets the dialogue display instance.

◆ IsContinueAllowed

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.IsContinueAllowed

Gets or sets whether continuation is allowed by the player by pressing a button.

◆ IsCurrentlyInConversation

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.IsCurrentlyInConversation = false
getprotected set

A flag indicating whether the dialogue is currently displaying a conversation (rather than options).

◆ IsOptionSelectionAllowed

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.IsOptionSelectionAllowed

Gets or sets whether the dialogue is currently allowing options to be selected by the player.

◆ IsPlaying

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.IsPlaying = false
getprivate set

A flag indicating whether the display is currently playing a dialogue.

◆ IsQuickExitAllowed

bool EasyTalk.Display.AbstractDialogueDisplay.IsQuickExitAllowed

Gets or sets whether the player is allowed to immediately exit the dialogue by pressing a button.