EasyTalk API
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EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController Class Reference

Controller for managing dialogue flow between a dialogue display and a dialogue node handler. More...

Inherits EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

Inherited by EasyTalk.Controller.AreaDialogueController, and EasyTalk.Controller.AreaDialogueController2D.

Public Types

enum  PlaybackType { AUTOPLAY , WAIT_FOR_COMMAND }
 Defines dialogue playback types used by dialogue controllers. More...

Public Member Functions

void PlayDialogue (string entryPointName=null)
 Starts playback of the dialogue at the specified entry node.
void ChangeDialogue (Dialogue dialogue)
 Changes the Dialogue used by the controller.
void ExitDialogue ()
 Exits the dialogue playback immediately.
override void OnDialogueEntered (string entryPointName)
 Called when dialogue playback begins. This will switch conversation displays used if set to do so and call OnDialogueEntered on all Dialogue Listeners registered with the controller.
override void OnDialogueExited (string exitPointName)
 Called when dialogue playback exits. This will stop the autoplay routine and call OnDialogueExited on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void OnDisplayOptions (List< DialogueOption > options)
 Called whenever options are to be presented. This method filters out options which are set to not be displayed before sending the filtered list on to the OnDisplayOptions method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void OnVariableUpdated (string variableName, object variableValue)
 Called whenever a variable value is updated in the dialogue. This method will trigger the OnVariableUpdated method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void OnDisplayLine (ConversationLine line)
 Called whenever a line of dialogue is to be displayed. This method does the following:

  • Stops the current autoplay routine if it is running.
  • Switches conversation displays if the controller is set to do so, such as when the character changes or a target tag is specified on the l ine of dialogue.
  • Send a key tag value to any registered Dialogue Listeners via the OnActivateKey method.
  • Starts the autoplay routine or calls the OnDisplayLine method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
  • Switches the audio to play audio for the new line of dialogue.

void SwitchLineAudio (ConversationLine line, ConversationLine previousLine)
 Stops any audio currently playing and starts playing audio for the provided line of dialogue.
void CharacterChanged (string newCharacterName)
 Called whenever a character change is detected. If this controller is set to switch conversation displays on character change, it will attempt to do so. Additionally, any Dialogue Listeners registered will have their OnCharacterChanged method triggered.
AudioSource GetAudioSource ()
 Finds and returns an audio source on this component or its child components. If the audio source is set on the controller, it will use that audio source instead of searching components for an audio source.
bool IsAudioPlaying ()
 Returns whether audio is currently being played by the controller.
override void OnConversationEnding (ConversationLine currentLine, Node nextNode)
 Called whenever the last line of dialogue in a conversation node is reached. If the next node is an option node, and options are set to be presented automatically, then the DisplayOptionsAfterDelay coroutine will be started to display options based on the delay settings. THis method also calls OnConversationEnding on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
virtual IEnumerator GoToOptionsAfterDelay (float delay, OptionNode optionNode)
 Tells the node handler to jump to the specified option node after a certain period of time.
void Continue ()
 Makes the dialogue continue forward from the current point. This method will also trigger the OnContinue method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void OnAudioStarted (ConversationLine line)
 Called whenever audio playback starts for a line of dialogue. This will call the OnAudioStarted method of all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void OnAudioCompleted (ConversationLine line, bool forced)
 Called whenever audio playback finishes or is interrupted for a line of dialogue. This will call the OnAudioCompleted method of all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void OnNodeChanged (Node newNode)
 Called whenever the current node being processed changes.
void ChooseOption (DialogueOption option)
 Chooses the specified option and calls the OnOptionChosen method of all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void Wait (float timeInSeconds)
 Creates a coroutine to wait for the specified duration before continuing. This method also calls the Wait method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
override void OnPause (string signal)
 Called whenever a pause node is reached during dialogue playback.
signalThe signal string of the pause node.

override void OnWaitingForNodeEvaluation (Node asyncNode)
 Called just before an asynchronous node is executed to notify listeners that the dialogue is about to enter a waiting state.
asyncNodeThe asynchronous node to be executed.

override void OnExecuteAsyncNode (AsyncNode node)
 Called whenever an async node is encountered and needs some external class to handle its execution.
nodeThe asynchronous node to process.

override void OnNodeEvaluationCompleted (Node asyncNode)
 Called whenever an asynchronous node's evaluation/execution has been commpleted.
asyncNodeThe asynchronous node which was executed.

NodeHandler GetNodeHandler ()
 Returns the node handler used by this controller.
ConversationDisplay GetConversationDisplay ()
 Returns the conversation display to use when entering dialogue playback via this controller.
string GetConversationDisplayID ()
 Returns the Display ID of the conversation display to use when entering dialogue playback via this controller.
void SetStringVariable (string variableName, string value)
 Sets the value of the specified variable.
string GetStringVariable (string variableName)
 Returns the string value of the specified variable.
void SetBoolVariable (string variableName, bool value)
 Sets the value of the specified variable.
bool GetBoolVariable (string variableName)
 Returns the bool value of the specified variable.
void SetIntVariable (string variableName, int value)
 Sets the value of the specified variable.
int GetIntVariable (string variableName)
 Returns the int value of the specified variable.
void SetFloatVariable (string variableName, float value)
 Sets the value of the specified variable.
float GetFloatVariable (string variableName)
 Returns the float value of the specified variable.
void AddDialogueListener (DialogueListener dialogueListener)
 Adds the specified Dialogue Listener to the controller's list of listeners.
void RemoveDialogueListener (DialogueListener dialogueListener)
 Removes the specified Dialogue Listener from the controller's list of listeners.
void RemoveDialogueListeners ()
 Removes all Dialogue Listeners from the controller.
PlaybackType GetPlaybackType ()
 Gets the playback type of this controller.
void SetPlaybackType (PlaybackType playbackType)
 Sets the playback type of this controller.
void SaveVariableValues (string prefix="", bool saveToPlayerPrefs=false)
 Saves the values of all variables in the Dialogue to either a file, or to the PlayerPrefs.
void SaveGlobalVariableValues (string prefix="", bool saveToPlayerPrefs=false)
 Saves all currently loaded global variable values to PlayerPrefs or a JSON file.
void LoadVariableValues (string prefix="", bool loadFromPlayerPrefs=false)
 Loads the states of the Dialogue's variables from a save if available.
void LoadGlobalVariableValues (string prefix="", bool loadFromPlayerPrefs=false)
 Loads global variable values from PlayerPrefs or a JSON file.
void InitializeGlobalVariables (DialogueRegistry registry=null)
 Initializes global variable values from the Dialogue Registry provided. If the registry is null, an attempt will be made to load a registry from the active Dialogue Settings set on the node handler, and then will attempt to locate a registry on a Dialogue Display's Dialogue Settings from the scene's Hierarchy.
void SetPlaybackType (string playbackType)
 Sets the playback mode of the controller. If the passed in string is "auto" or "autoplay", the mode will be set to AUTOPLAY; otherwise it will be set to WAIT_FOR_COMMAND mode.
void ChangePlaybackType ()
 Changes the playback mode of the controller to whichever mode it isn't currently in. If the controller is in WAIT_FOR_COMMAND mode, calling this method will switch it to AUTOPLAY mode, and vice versa.
- Public Member Functions inherited from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener
virtual void OnContinue ()
 Called whenever the dialogue continues on to the next line.
virtual void OnOptionChosen (DialogueOption option)
 Called whenever an option is chosen from the currently presented list of options.
virtual void OnExitCompleted ()
 Called at least one frame after a dialogue is exited.
virtual void OnStory (string storyText)
 Called whenever a story node is encountered.
virtual void OnCharacterChanged (string oldCharacterName, string newCharacterName)
 Called whenever a character change is detected.
virtual void OnActivateKey (string key)
 Called whenever a key tag is present in a line of dialogue.

Public Attributes

UnityEvent onPlay = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered when dialogue playback starts.
UnityEvent onStop = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered when dialogue playback stops.
- Public Attributes inherited from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener
bool debugEnabled = false
 When set to true, debug logging will be shown for each method called on the listener.
UnityEvent onContinue = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the dialogue continues.
UnityEvent onDisplayOptions = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever options are to be displayed to the player.
UnityEvent onOptionChosen = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the player chooses an option.
UnityEvent onDisplayLine = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a line of dialogue is to be displayed.
UnityEvent onDialogueEntered = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue playback begins.
UnityEvent onDialogueExited = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue playback ends.
UnityEvent onExitCompleted = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered one frame after dialogue playback ends.
UnityEvent onStory = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a story node is encountered.
UnityEvent onVariableUpdated = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a dialogue variable value is updated.
UnityEvent onCharacterChanged = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a character name change is detected.
UnityEvent onAudioStarted = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue audio starts playing.
UnityEvent onAudioCompleted = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever dialogue audio finishes playing.
UnityEvent onActivateKey = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a key is to be processed on a dialogue.
UnityEvent onWait = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a dialogue starts waiting for a certain period of time before continuing.
UnityEvent onConversationEnding = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the last line of dialogue in a conversation node is reached.
UnityEvent onNodeChanged = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever a the dialogue flows from one node to another.
UnityEvent onPause = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever the dialogue reaches a pause node, pausing and waiting for Continue() to be called.
UnityEvent onExecuteAsyncNode = new UnityEvent()
 An event which is triggered whenever an asynchronous node must be processed.
UnityEvent onWaitingForNodeCompletion = new UnityEvent()
UnityEvent onNodeEvaluationCompleted = new UnityEvent()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Init ()
 Initializes the controller to prepare it for playing dialogue.
virtual void ActivateKey (ConversationLine line)
 Activates the key of the specified line of dialogue by sending its key value to all registered Dialogue Listeners by calling their OnActivateKey methods.
IEnumerator PlayAudioClip (ConversationLine line)
 Plays the audio clip for the specified line of dialogue.

Protected Attributes

Dialogue dialogue
 The Dialogue to use.
DialogueRegistry dialogueRegistry
 The Dialogue Registry to use when initializing global variables.
PlaybackType playbackType
 The playback type of the controller.
AbstractDialogueDisplay dialogueDisplay
 The dialogue display currently being used by this controller.
ConversationDisplay conversationDisplay = null
 The converstion display to use when playing dialogue.
string conversationDisplayID = null
 The ID of the conversation display to use when initializing a conversation on a dialogue display and no conversation display is set.
AudioSource audioSource
 The audio source to use for playing lines of dialogue.
List< DialogueListenerdialogueListeners = new List<DialogueListener>()
 A collection of DialogueListeners to call as dialogue playback occurs.
bool isRunning = false
 Whether the dialogue is currently being played.


AbstractDialogueDisplay DialogueDisplay [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Dialogue Display currently used by this controller.
Dialogue CurrentDialogue [get]
 Gets the Dialogue currently set on the dialogue controller.

Private Member Functions

void Awake ()
void Update ()
 Calls Update() on the node handler.
AbstractDialogueDisplay FindDialogueDisplay ()
 Finds a dialogue display to use.
IEnumerator ExitCompleted ()
 Called at the end of OnDialogueExited(). Waits for one frame and then calls OnExitCompleted on this controller and all registered dialogue listeners.
IEnumerator WaitAsync (float timeInSeconds)
 Waits for the specified duration before continuing.
void SetVariableValue (string variableName, object value, Type valueType)
 Sets the value of the specified variable.
object GetVariableValue (string variableName, Type variableType)
 Returns the value of the specified variable.

Private Attributes

NodeHandler nodeHandler
 The node handler used to process the Dialogue.
bool useDialogueDisplay = true
 Determines whether the controller will attempt to register and use a Dialogue Display automatically.
Coroutine audioRoutine = null
 A coroutine for playing audio for a line of dialogue.
bool sendNullKeys = true
 Whetehr null keys should be sent when no key exists on a line of dialogue.
bool isAudioPlaying = false
 A flag to keep track of whether audio is currently playing.
string currentCharacterName = null
 The name of the character which dialogue is currently being shown for.

Detailed Description

Controller for managing dialogue flow between a dialogue display and a dialogue node handler.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PlaybackType

Defines dialogue playback types used by dialogue controllers.


Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateKey()

virtual void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.ActivateKey ( ConversationLine line)

Activates the key of the specified line of dialogue by sending its key value to all registered Dialogue Listeners by calling their OnActivateKey methods.

lineThe line of dialogue to activate the key of.

◆ AddDialogueListener()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.AddDialogueListener ( DialogueListener dialogueListener)

Adds the specified Dialogue Listener to the controller's list of listeners.

dialogueListenerThe Dialogue Listener to add.

◆ Awake()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.Awake ( )

◆ ChangeDialogue()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.ChangeDialogue ( Dialogue dialogue)

Changes the Dialogue used by the controller.

dialogueThe Dialogue to use.

◆ ChangePlaybackType()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.ChangePlaybackType ( )

Changes the playback mode of the controller to whichever mode it isn't currently in. If the controller is in WAIT_FOR_COMMAND mode, calling this method will switch it to AUTOPLAY mode, and vice versa.

◆ CharacterChanged()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.CharacterChanged ( string newCharacterName)

Called whenever a character change is detected. If this controller is set to switch conversation displays on character change, it will attempt to do so. Additionally, any Dialogue Listeners registered will have their OnCharacterChanged method triggered.

newCharacterNameThe name of the character being switched to.

◆ ChooseOption()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.ChooseOption ( DialogueOption option)

Chooses the specified option and calls the OnOptionChosen method of all registered Dialogue Listeners.

optionThe option to choose.

◆ Continue()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.Continue ( )

Makes the dialogue continue forward from the current point. This method will also trigger the OnContinue method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.

Note that a continuation is only allowed when the current node is a converation, story, or wait node.

◆ ExitCompleted()

IEnumerator EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.ExitCompleted ( )

Called at the end of OnDialogueExited(). Waits for one frame and then calls OnExitCompleted on this controller and all registered dialogue listeners.


◆ ExitDialogue()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.ExitDialogue ( )

Exits the dialogue playback immediately.

◆ FindDialogueDisplay()

AbstractDialogueDisplay EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.FindDialogueDisplay ( )

Finds a dialogue display to use.

◆ GetAudioSource()

AudioSource EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetAudioSource ( )

Finds and returns an audio source on this component or its child components. If the audio source is set on the controller, it will use that audio source instead of searching components for an audio source.

An AudioSource on this GameObject or from its children if none exists on this GameObject.

◆ GetBoolVariable()

bool EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetBoolVariable ( string variableName)

Returns the bool value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable to retrieve the value of.
The bool value of the specified variable.

◆ GetConversationDisplay()

ConversationDisplay EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetConversationDisplay ( )

Returns the conversation display to use when entering dialogue playback via this controller.

The conversation display to use.

◆ GetConversationDisplayID()

string EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetConversationDisplayID ( )

Returns the Display ID of the conversation display to use when entering dialogue playback via this controller.


◆ GetFloatVariable()

float EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetFloatVariable ( string variableName)

Returns the float value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable to retrieve the value of.
The float value of the specified variable.

◆ GetIntVariable()

int EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetIntVariable ( string variableName)

Returns the int value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable to retrieve the value of.
The int value of the specified variable.

◆ GetNodeHandler()

NodeHandler EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetNodeHandler ( )

Returns the node handler used by this controller.

The node handler being used.

◆ GetPlaybackType()

PlaybackType EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetPlaybackType ( )

Gets the playback type of this controller.

The playback type.

◆ GetStringVariable()

string EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetStringVariable ( string variableName)

Returns the string value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable to retrieve the value of.
The string value of the specified variable.

◆ GetVariableValue()

object EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GetVariableValue ( string variableName,
Type variableType )

Returns the value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable.
variableTypeThe variable type.
The value of the specified variable.

◆ GoToOptionsAfterDelay()

virtual IEnumerator EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.GoToOptionsAfterDelay ( float delay,
OptionNode optionNode )

Tells the node handler to jump to the specified option node after a certain period of time.

delayThe delay, in seconds.
optionNodeThe option node to go to.

◆ Init()

virtual void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.Init ( )

Initializes the controller to prepare it for playing dialogue.

◆ InitializeGlobalVariables()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.InitializeGlobalVariables ( DialogueRegistry registry = null)

Initializes global variable values from the Dialogue Registry provided. If the registry is null, an attempt will be made to load a registry from the active Dialogue Settings set on the node handler, and then will attempt to locate a registry on a Dialogue Display's Dialogue Settings from the scene's Hierarchy.

The Dialogue Registry to initialize global variables from.

registryThe d

◆ IsAudioPlaying()

bool EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.IsAudioPlaying ( )

Returns whether audio is currently being played by the controller.

Whether audio is currently being played by the controller.

◆ LoadGlobalVariableValues()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.LoadGlobalVariableValues ( string prefix = "",
bool loadFromPlayerPrefs = false )

Loads global variable values from PlayerPrefs or a JSON file.

prefixThe prefix to append to the beginning of the PlayerPrefs entry or JSON file name.
loadFromPlayerPrefsWhether the variable values should be loaded from PlayerPrefs rather than a JSON file.

◆ LoadVariableValues()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.LoadVariableValues ( string prefix = "",
bool loadFromPlayerPrefs = false )

Loads the states of the Dialogue's variables from a save if available.

prefixThe prefix to use when loading. This prefix is appended to the beginning of the dialogue name.
loadFromPlayerPrefsIf true, variable states will be loaded from PlayerPrefs rather than a JSON file.

◆ OnAudioCompleted()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnAudioCompleted ( ConversationLine line,
bool forced )

Called whenever audio playback finishes or is interrupted for a line of dialogue. This will call the OnAudioCompleted method of all registered Dialogue Listeners.

lineThe line of dialogue which audio ended for.
forcedWhether the audio was forcibly interrupted.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnAudioStarted()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnAudioStarted ( ConversationLine line)

Called whenever audio playback starts for a line of dialogue. This will call the OnAudioStarted method of all registered Dialogue Listeners.

lineThe line of dialogue audio started for.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnConversationEnding()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnConversationEnding ( ConversationLine currentLine,
Node nextNode )

Called whenever the last line of dialogue in a conversation node is reached. If the next node is an option node, and options are set to be presented automatically, then the DisplayOptionsAfterDelay coroutine will be started to display options based on the delay settings. THis method also calls OnConversationEnding on all registered Dialogue Listeners.

currentLineThe current line of dialogue being displayed.
nextNodeThe next node to move to after the current conversation node.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnDialogueEntered()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnDialogueEntered ( string entryPointName)

Called when dialogue playback begins. This will switch conversation displays used if set to do so and call OnDialogueEntered on all Dialogue Listeners registered with the controller.

entryPointNameThe name of the entry point where the Dialogue playback began.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnDialogueExited()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnDialogueExited ( string exitPointName)

Called when dialogue playback exits. This will stop the autoplay routine and call OnDialogueExited on all registered Dialogue Listeners.

exitPointNameThe name of the exit point where the dialogue exited.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnDisplayLine()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnDisplayLine ( ConversationLine line)

Called whenever a line of dialogue is to be displayed. This method does the following:

  • Stops the current autoplay routine if it is running.
  • Switches conversation displays if the controller is set to do so, such as when the character changes or a target tag is specified on the l ine of dialogue.
  • Send a key tag value to any registered Dialogue Listeners via the OnActivateKey method.
  • Starts the autoplay routine or calls the OnDisplayLine method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.
  • Switches the audio to play audio for the new line of dialogue.

lineThe line of dialogue to display.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnDisplayOptions()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnDisplayOptions ( List< DialogueOption > options)

Called whenever options are to be presented. This method filters out options which are set to not be displayed before sending the filtered list on to the OnDisplayOptions method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.

optionsThe list of dialogue options to present.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnExecuteAsyncNode()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnExecuteAsyncNode ( AsyncNode node)

Called whenever an async node is encountered and needs some external class to handle its execution.

nodeThe asynchronous node to process.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnNodeChanged()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnNodeChanged ( Node newNode)

Called whenever the current node being processed changes.

newNodeThe new node.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnNodeEvaluationCompleted()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnNodeEvaluationCompleted ( Node asyncNode)

Called whenever an asynchronous node's evaluation/execution has been commpleted.

asyncNodeThe asynchronous node which was executed.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnPause()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnPause ( string signal)

Called whenever a pause node is reached during dialogue playback.

signalThe signal string of the pause node.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnVariableUpdated()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnVariableUpdated ( string variableName,
object variableValue )

Called whenever a variable value is updated in the dialogue. This method will trigger the OnVariableUpdated method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.

variableNameThe name of the variable which was updated.
variableValueThe new value of the variable.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ OnWaitingForNodeEvaluation()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.OnWaitingForNodeEvaluation ( Node asyncNode)

Called just before an asynchronous node is executed to notify listeners that the dialogue is about to enter a waiting state.

asyncNodeThe asynchronous node to be executed.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ PlayAudioClip()

IEnumerator EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.PlayAudioClip ( ConversationLine line)

Plays the audio clip for the specified line of dialogue.

lineThe line of dialogue to play audio for.

◆ PlayDialogue()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.PlayDialogue ( string entryPointName = null)

Starts playback of the dialogue at the specified entry node.

entryPointNameThe name of the entry point ID where the dialogue should start from.

◆ RemoveDialogueListener()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.RemoveDialogueListener ( DialogueListener dialogueListener)

Removes the specified Dialogue Listener from the controller's list of listeners.

dialogueListenerThe Dialogue Listener to remove.

◆ RemoveDialogueListeners()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.RemoveDialogueListeners ( )

Removes all Dialogue Listeners from the controller.

◆ SaveGlobalVariableValues()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SaveGlobalVariableValues ( string prefix = "",
bool saveToPlayerPrefs = false )

Saves all currently loaded global variable values to PlayerPrefs or a JSON file.

prefixThe prefix to append to the beginning of the PlayerPrefs entry of JSON file name.
saveToPlayerPrefsWhether the values should be saved to PlayerPrefs rather than a JSON file.

◆ SaveVariableValues()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SaveVariableValues ( string prefix = "",
bool saveToPlayerPrefs = false )

Saves the values of all variables in the Dialogue to either a file, or to the PlayerPrefs.

prefixThe prefix to use when saving. This prefix is appended to the beginning of the dialogue name.
saveToPlayerPrefsWhether the variable states should be saved to PlayerPrefs. If set to false, the variable states will be saved to a JSON file instead.

◆ SetBoolVariable()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SetBoolVariable ( string variableName,
bool value )

Sets the value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable.
valueThe value to set.

◆ SetFloatVariable()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SetFloatVariable ( string variableName,
float value )

Sets the value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable.
valueThe value to set.

◆ SetIntVariable()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SetIntVariable ( string variableName,
int value )

Sets the value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable.
valueThe value to set.

◆ SetPlaybackType() [1/2]

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SetPlaybackType ( PlaybackType playbackType)

Sets the playback type of this controller.

playbackTypeThe playback type to use.

◆ SetPlaybackType() [2/2]

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SetPlaybackType ( string playbackType)

Sets the playback mode of the controller. If the passed in string is "auto" or "autoplay", the mode will be set to AUTOPLAY; otherwise it will be set to WAIT_FOR_COMMAND mode.

playbackTypeA string to the playback type to use.

◆ SetStringVariable()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SetStringVariable ( string variableName,
string value )

Sets the value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable.
valueThe value to set.

◆ SetVariableValue()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SetVariableValue ( string variableName,
object value,
Type valueType )

Sets the value of the specified variable.

variableNameThe name of the variable.
valueThe value to set.
valueTypeThe type of the variable.

◆ SwitchLineAudio()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.SwitchLineAudio ( ConversationLine line,
ConversationLine previousLine )

Stops any audio currently playing and starts playing audio for the provided line of dialogue.

lineThe line of dialogue to play audio for.
previousLineThe line of dialogue which was last displayed.

◆ Update()

void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.Update ( )

Calls Update() on the node handler.

◆ Wait()

override void EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.Wait ( float timeInSeconds)

Creates a coroutine to wait for the specified duration before continuing. This method also calls the Wait method on all registered Dialogue Listeners.

timeInSecondsThe amount of time to wait, in seconds.

Reimplemented from EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueListener.

◆ WaitAsync()

IEnumerator EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.WaitAsync ( float timeInSeconds)

Waits for the specified duration before continuing.

timeInSecondsThe amount of time to wait, in seconds.

Member Data Documentation

◆ audioRoutine

Coroutine EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.audioRoutine = null

A coroutine for playing audio for a line of dialogue.

◆ audioSource

AudioSource EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.audioSource

The audio source to use for playing lines of dialogue.

◆ conversationDisplay

ConversationDisplay EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.conversationDisplay = null

The converstion display to use when playing dialogue.

◆ conversationDisplayID

string EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.conversationDisplayID = null

The ID of the conversation display to use when initializing a conversation on a dialogue display and no conversation display is set.

◆ currentCharacterName

string EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.currentCharacterName = null

The name of the character which dialogue is currently being shown for.

◆ dialogue

Dialogue EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.dialogue

The Dialogue to use.

◆ dialogueDisplay

AbstractDialogueDisplay EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.dialogueDisplay

The dialogue display currently being used by this controller.

◆ dialogueListeners

List<DialogueListener> EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.dialogueListeners = new List<DialogueListener>()

A collection of DialogueListeners to call as dialogue playback occurs.

◆ dialogueRegistry

DialogueRegistry EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.dialogueRegistry

The Dialogue Registry to use when initializing global variables.

◆ isAudioPlaying

bool EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.isAudioPlaying = false

A flag to keep track of whether audio is currently playing.

◆ isRunning

bool EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.isRunning = false

Whether the dialogue is currently being played.

◆ nodeHandler

NodeHandler EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.nodeHandler

The node handler used to process the Dialogue.

◆ onPlay

UnityEvent EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.onPlay = new UnityEvent()

An event which is triggered when dialogue playback starts.

◆ onStop

UnityEvent EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.onStop = new UnityEvent()

An event which is triggered when dialogue playback stops.

◆ playbackType

PlaybackType EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.playbackType

The playback type of the controller.

◆ sendNullKeys

bool EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.sendNullKeys = true

Whetehr null keys should be sent when no key exists on a line of dialogue.

◆ useDialogueDisplay

bool EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.useDialogueDisplay = true

Determines whether the controller will attempt to register and use a Dialogue Display automatically.

Property Documentation

◆ CurrentDialogue

Dialogue EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.CurrentDialogue

Gets the Dialogue currently set on the dialogue controller.

◆ DialogueDisplay

AbstractDialogueDisplay EasyTalk.Controller.DialogueController.DialogueDisplay

Gets or sets the Dialogue Display currently used by this controller.