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Compare Strings Nodes

Compare Strings Node
Compare Strings Node

Compare Strings nodes are used to compare two string values during dialogue playback, resulting in a boolean output value.

When reached via dialogue flow, the dialogue flow will continue based on the evaluated boolean value of the operation. If the value is true, dialogue flow will continue down the TRUE dialogue flow output path; otherwise, the dialogue flow will continue down the FALSE dialogue flow output path.

The boolean (true/false) value of these operations can optionally be sent on to another node by using the boolean output.

The comparison types available are:

  • EQUAL - Evaluates to TRUE whenever the two string values are equal, FALSE otherwise.
  • NOT_EQUAL - Evaluates to TRUE whenever the two string values are different, FALSE otherwise.
  • AFTER - Evaluates to TRUE whenever the first (top) string value comes alphabetically after the second (bottom) value, FALSE otherwise.
  • BEFORE - Evaluates to TRUE whenever the first (top) string value comes alphabetically before the second (bottom) value, FALSE otherwise.

You can type the values to compare into the string fields, or determine their values during playback by passing in a string value from another node.

Each compare strings node has one dialogue flow input, a string value input for each variable needed for the comparison, a boolean value output for the result of the comparison, a TRUE dialogue flow output (for when the result is true), and a FALSE dialogue flow output (for when the result is false).