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Hotkeys and Controls

The node editor provides many different hotkeys/keyboard shortcuts and controls to make editing Dialogue assets quick and easy.

Viewport Controls



To pan the node view, you can either middle mouse press and hold, then drag your mouse, or you can hold Ctrl and Left Mouse on the grid and drag.


Zooming in/out

You can zoom in and out by scrolling the middle mouse wheel or using Ctrl+ and Ctrl-.


Resizing Nodes
Resizing Nodes

Most types of nodes can be resized by hovering the mouse over their edge and clicking and dragging to resize them.


Moving Nodes/>
Moving Nodes

If you click and hold the mouse in the title area or an empty area of a node, then you can drag the node to move it around.


Selecting Nodes
Selecting Nodes

To select nodes, you can click on the title area or an empty area of a node. To select multiple nodes, just hold the Shift key when clicking.

You can also select nodes by dragging a selection rectangle around them. Just click on the background grid and drag a rectangle around the nodes you want to select.


Deselecting Nodes
Deselecting Nodes

To deselect nodes, just click on the background grid. Alternatively, you can hold the Shift key and drag a deselection rectangle around the nodes you want to deselect.

Quick-Create Wheel

The Quick-Create wheel can be accessed by holding the Alt key with the mouse over the node view. If you hover over and release Alt, or click on any of the buttons in the quick-create wheel, you can quickly create nodes, rather than having to create them via the Create menu.

The Quick-Create Wheel
Using the Quick-Create Wheel

Hotkeys / Keyboard Shortcuts

File Shortcuts

New FileCtrl + NCreates a new Dialogue asset file.
Open FileCtrl + OLaunches a file browser to select a Dialogue asset file to open.
Save FileCtrl + SSaves the current Dialogue asset.

View Shortcuts

FindCtrl + FShows the Find tool for searching for nodes.
Zoom InCtrl +Zooms in.
Zoom OutCtrl -Zooms out.
View SelectedCtrl + XPans and zooms to view the currently selected nodes.
View AllCtrl + Shift + XPans and zooms to view all nodes.

Edit Shortcuts

UndoCtrl + ZUndo the previous action.
RedoCtrl + YRedo the previous action.
CopyCtrl + CCopy the currently selected nodes.
PasteCtrl + VPaste a copy of the copied selection.
DeleteDELETEDelete the currently selected nodes.

Select Shortcuts

Select AllCtrl + ASelect all nodes.
Deselect AllShift + ADeselect all nodes.
Invert SelectionCtrl + IDeselects all selected nodes, and selects all nodes which were not selected.