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Special Tags

There are several special tags that allow you to have more control over how the dialogue system works. Some of these tags are used in lines of dialogue (in conversation nodes), and some are used in dialogue options (in option nodes).

Conversation Node Tags

ID Tags

ID tags are used to identify lines of dialogue and can be useful for implementing logic in Dialogue Listeners.

The format of ID tags is structured like this:


Target Tags

Target tags are used to change the Conversation Display which the line of dialogue will be shown on. To use target tags, set a Display ID on any Conversation Displays you need to target, and then easily you can switch between them using target tags.

The format of target tags is structured like this:


Key Tags

Key tags provide a way of attributing a custom string to a line of dialogue. You can use these to send information to your own Dialogue Listener classes to do custom processing when lines of dialogue are played.

Key tags are structured like this:


Name Tags

Name tags allow you to change the name of the speaker of a line of dialogue, which enables you to have multiple characters speaking within a single Conversation Node.

The structure of a name tag is shown below:


Optionally, a name tag may also include an icon ID. The icon ID must match the ID of an icon configured for a character with the specified name in the Character Library being used. An example of the format for a name tag with an icon ID included is shown below:


Translate Tags

Translate tags allow you turn translation for a particular line of dialogue on or off.

Translate tags have the following structure:


Option Node Tags

ID Tags

ID tags are used to identify optionse and can be useful for implementing logic in Dialogue Listeners and Option Display Listeners.

The format of ID tags is structured like this:


Display Tags

Display tags act in the same way as the 'Display' parameter on option modifier nodes, making it so that you can easily prevent an option from being displayed.

Display tags look like this:


Selectable Tags

Selectable tags are also an easy way to replicate the behavior of the 'Selectable' parameter of option modifier nodes. You can use these tags to turn off option selectability.

Selectable tags have the structure below:
