Jump Nodes
There are two types of Jump nodes: Jump-In nodes, and Jump-Out nodes. These nodes are used together to allow the dialogue to jump from one point to another.
Jump-In Nodes

Jump-In nodes are used as entry points which can be jumped to during dialogue playback. A Jump-In node can only be reached by first encountering a Jump-Out node. Each Jump-In node contains an ID field which must contain a unique identifier.
Whenever a Jump-Out node with the same ID as a Jump-In node is reached, the dialogue flow immediately jumps to the corresponding Jump-In node and continues playback from there.
Jump-In nodes contain a single dialogue flow output.
Jump-Out Nodes

Jump-Out nodes are used to jump from one point in a dialogue to another. The IDs of Jump-Out nodes do NOT need to be unique, but they do need to be set to a valid Jump-In node ID in order to work.
Whenever a Jump-Out node is reached, the dialogue playback immediately jumps to the corresponding Jump-Inn node and continues playback from there.
Jump-Out nodes contain a single dialogue flow input.