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Dialogue Settings

Dialogue Settings
Dialogue Settings

Localizable Languages

The Localizable Language asset to use. Defines available/supported languages.

Language Font Overrides

The Language Font Overrides asset to use. This asset specifies which font to use when the language is switched.

Translation Eval Mode

Specifies the order in which variables are translated in dialogue.

  • TRANSLATE_BEFORE_VARIABLE_EVALUATION: Translates text before resolving variable values within the text. Given a variable called 'numApples' used in the text, 'I have (@numApples)', this exact text would be looked for as a match in the dialogue's localization table.
  • TRANSLATE_AFTER_VARIABLE_EVALUATION - Translates text after resolving variable values within the text. Given a variable called 'numApples' used in the text, where numApples current value is 3, 'I have (@numApples)' would be replaced by 'I have 3 apples' when looking for a match in the dialogue's localization table.

Dialogue Registry

The Dialogue Registry to use. The registry contains defintions for global variables, as well as a reference to the character library.